[Day 8] 아버님 수술 (나웅배) / My Father’s Surgery (Christopher Na)

더운 여름동안 아버지께서 세탁소 일 하시며 집 앞 마당에 있는 나무도 자르시고 많은 일들을 혼자 하셨는데, 어느 날, 목 쪽에 조이는 느낌이 드셨다고 합니다. 그 때특별한 조치는 안하고 그냥 넘어가셨다가 8월 초 family doctor와 정기 점검 때 그런 일이 있었다고 말씀드렸더니, 의사분에 몇가지 체크하신 후에 큰 병원에 가서 꼭 검사 받아 보라고 하셨습니다.  Lutheran 병원에 가서 검사한 결과 혈관이 4군데나 막혀서 심장마비까지 갈수 있었는데 운이 좋았다고 하였습니다.  처음엔 스텐트 삽입을 시도해 봤지만 뒤쪽에 있는 두 군데가 안된다고 해서 결국 Open Chest 수술까지 하게 되었습니다.  Family Doctor에 의하면 수술 집도하시는 분이 굉장히 유명하셔서 보통 5개월은 기다려야 하는데 다행히(?) 코로나로 인해 환자가 적어서 바로 수술을 받을 수 있었습니다.  수술은 아주 잘 되었고, 회복도 빠르셔서 수술 후 3일만에 퇴원하실 수 있었습니다.  지금은 다시 정상적으로 생활하고 계십니다!  의사 분들도 아버님 나이도 있으신데 회복이 빠르시다며 굉장히 놀라워 하시더군요.  정말 큰일날 뻔 하였는데 이 모든 일이 하나하나 잘 맞아 떨어지고 진행 되는 걸 옆에서 지켜보면서 정말 하나님께서 많이 도와 주시고 축복해 주심을 느낄 수 있었습니다.  정말 너무나 감사드립니다!

During this past summer, my dad did a lot of yard work by himself, while also taking care of his cleaner business.  And one day, he had a tightening feeling behind his neck, but didn’t think much of it.  But during his regular checkup in early August, his doctor told him to go to a big hospital to have a more thorough exam.  So, he went to Lutheran General Hospital and found out four of his veins were clogged in a serious way.  He was at the verge of having a heart-attack any moment!  They tried to put in stent but it only worked for two of the clogs, so he ended up having an open heart surgery.  According our family doctor, the surgeon who performed the surgery was in high demand, but fortunately (?) for my dad, the Covid-19 reduced the number of his patents, so that they were able to squeeze my dad into his schedule!  The surgery went really well, and there wasn’t any problem with his recovery, either.  Now, he is as active as before!  The doctors were very surprised with his speedy recovery, too, especially considering his age.  Seeing how everything fell into its place as if everything was planned, I felt that God was leading every step of the way for my dad.  I am very grateful and thankful for the grace that has been shown to our family!  Thank you!